The passenger ship Aurora mysteriously collides into the rocky sea threatening an entire island and a young woman and her sisters lives who must survive to stay alive by finding missing dead bodies for a bounty - while at risk of the danger from visitors who seek shelter in their home.
发布时间:2024-06-06 19:36同时,时光虚拟团队还“复古”地尝试了用Matte Painting(数字绘景)作为分层背景导入数字引擎,虽然结果并不十分满意,但测试的价值不就是在失败中获得经验和成长吗?半透明 高反射体另一边,男主正深情凝望着地球,如此氛围感十足的画面又是如何巧妙“借力”LED虚拟拍摄呢?时光虚拟团队将LED屏幕放置在演员和舷窗的正对面,使屏幕播放的高分辨率地球画面清晰地反射在舷窗玻璃上